Our Services

Full Individual Evaluations (FIEs), ADHD, Dyslexia Assessments, & Gifted Evaluations. We have bilingual evaluators as well as English monolingual evaluators.

SpEC can provide a thorough educational evaluation of your child and a report you can understand. The evaluation report can establish eligibility for special services or accommodations. Our reports may also be useful in obtaining entrance and other exam accommodations. Gifted evaluations can be utilized to apply for unique educational programs and experiences. Our evaluations generally include an assessment of cognitive abilities and meet the requirements of most private schools.

We are experienced in providing the documentation required for academic accommodations and meet the stringent qualification requirements of testing boards such as SAT, GRE, LSAT, and MCAT. 

We specialize is specific learning disabilities, including all dyslexia related conditions. We can also assist with ADHD related conditions as well as Autism and other serious learning concerns.

If your family speaks more than one language at home or your child is an English learner, our bilingual evaluators are ready to provide an appropriate evaluation that is sensitive to the unique linguistic and cultural background of your child and family.

Si su familia habla más de un idioma en casa o su hijo es un aprendiz de inglés, nuestros evaluadores bilingües están listos para proporcionar una evaluación apropiada que sea sensible a los antecedentes lingüísticos y culturales únicos de su hijo y su familia.

Independent Educational Evaluations (IEE) & Family Educational Consultation.

Whether your child has been previously assessed or this is an initial evaluation, SpEC is prepared to address your child’s educational concerns. SpEC evaluators are credentialed to meet state and Federal requirements of Texas school districts, charter schools, and private schools. Our reports meet and exceed the standards for IDEA and Section 504.

Following any evaluation completed by SpEC, a private consultation to review all results and answer your questions is scheduled.

We are also available to assist you with reviewing results obtained previously from other providers.

Contracted Diagnosticians for Districts, Charters, & Private Schools.

SpEC is available to assist local education agencies with meeting their Child Find obligations, including English Learners. We are happy to discuss a variety of pricing schedules to suit the needs of organizations both large and small.

Professional Development.

We can provide a one-time event or a series of training on a wide variety of Child Find, Evaluation, Special Education, and 504 topics.

We are also happy to meet with parent organizations and church groups looking to increase awareness and information about disabilities or the process of special education or section 504.

Program Reviews, Specific Audits & Consulting.

SpEC is here to support administrators in their goal of continuous improvement of special programs. We are available for full program reviews or specific areas of concern. Our services are always confidential. Let us assist with any required agreements or goals for your department.

Mentoring & Supervision for New and Inexperienced Evaluators.

Inexperienced diagnosticians and other evaluation staff face a complex job with a significant learning curve. SpEC can provide ongoing support and assistance as new evaluators address the multi-faceted challenges of this profession. Investment in new staff leads to higher quality evaluation, reports, and IEPs, employee longevity, and reduced litigious situations.